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- Claerbout, J.F., 1989, Time series analysis: Book 3 (still in preparation); also SEP-61, 391-414.
- Darche, G., 1989, Iterative L1 deconvolution: SEP-61, 281-301.
- Debeye, H.W.J., and van Riel, P., 1989, Lp-norm deconvolution: 59th SEG Annual Meeting Abstracts, 1192-1194.
- Jacobs, F.J., and van der Geest, P.A.G., 1988, Spiking band-limited traces with a relative entropy algorithm: 58th SEG Annual Meeting Abstracts, 723-726.
- Wiggins, R.A., 1978, Minimum-entropy deconvolution: Geoexpl, 16, 21-35.
Stanford Exploration Project