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Application of the cross-gradient function in seismic tomography

Figure 3 shows a velocity map and corresponding resistivity map of a synthetic 2-D model. That includes a water velocity of about $ 1.5 \frac{km}{s}$ at the top and a semi-circular fault in the middle of the ocean bottom. There are also laterally smooth velocity anomalies in the model. The resistivity profile and velocity profile are connected using the Archie/time-average cross-property relation (Carcione et al., 2007) with arbitrary parameter values.

vel-t softdata1-0
Figure 3.
Synthetic sinusoidal model with (a) two velocity anomalies and corresponding (b) resistivity model. [ER]
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We use the resistivity map as soft data to constrain the tomography problem with the cross-gradient function. In this case, we can write the cross-gradient function given in equation 2 as a linear operator $ \mathbf{G}$ on the slowness field, $ \mathbf{s}_0+\Delta \mathbf{s}$. We can then extend the linearized tomography problem by employing $ \mathbf{G}$ as an additional constraint. The objective function, $ \mathcal{P} (\Delta \mathbf{s})$, of this extended problem becomes

$\displaystyle \mathcal{P} (\Delta \mathbf{s}) =\vert\vert\Delta \mathbf{t} - \m...
...psilon_1^2 \vert\vert \mathbf{G} (\mathbf{s}_0+\Delta \mathbf{s})\vert\vert^2,$ (6)

where $ \epsilon_1$ is a problem-specific weight factor to regularize the tomography problem (Clapp, 2001).

Figure 4 shows the initial velocity and the estimated velocities found by solving the tomography problem both with steering filters and the cross-gradient constraint.

vel-0 vel-ds0 velx-dsx0
Figure 4.
Velocity estimates by seismic tomography: Initial velocity estimate (a) and estimated velocity (b) with steering filers and (c) with cross-gradient constraint on soft-data. [CR]
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The results show that steering filters yield a good result for low frequency features such as smooth lateral velocity anomalies; however, it ignores high-frequency structures of the velocity model. On the other hand, the cross-gradient functions are able to provide better estimates for high-frequency features of the velocity model, such as sharp salt boundaries and faults. Steering filters assume a priori knowledge of the model parameters, while the cross-gradient function uses the co-located soft data field to build this information. The combination of these two method may be an optimal tool for addressing the velocity estimation problem in more general subsurface structures.

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