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Prestack BP Velocity Model

We performed a second prestack migration test in elliptic coordinates using the BP velocity benchmark model. The top panel presents the RWE shot-profile migration result in elliptic coordinates, while the bottom panel shows Cartesian plane-wave image constructed with the same FD operators. The salt body on the left is well-imaged in both the elliptic and Cartesian coordinate images. The flanks of the salt body on the right, known to be illuminated by overturning and prismatic waves, are better imaged in the elliptic system. We generated the RWE image using a code that included neither source compensation nor optimal placement of the foci of the coordinate system. Furture work includes incorporating both of these factors, which should improve the image further.

Figure 5
BP velocity synthetic migration results. Top panel: Elliptic coordinate migration result using FD propagators. Bottom panel: Cartesian migration result using FD propagators.
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Stanford Exploration Project