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Claerbout, J., 1999, Geophysical estimation by example: Environmental soundings image enhancement: Stanford Exploration Project,

Ghiglia, D. C. and L. A. Romero, 1994, Robust two-dimensional weighted and unweighted phase unwrapping that uses fast transforms and iterative methods: Optical Society of America, 11, no. 1, 107-117.

Lomask, J. and S. Fomel, 2006, Flattening with cosine transforms: SEP-124.

Lomask, J. and A. Guitton, 2006, Flattening with geological constraints: SEP-124.

Lomask, J., A. Guitton, S. Fomel, and J. Claerbout, 2006, Flattening without picking: Geophysics, 71, no. 4, 13-20.


Stanford Exploration Project