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- Boyd, S. and L. Vandenberghe, 2004, Convex optimization: Cambridge University Press.
- Clapp, R. G., P. Sava, and J. F. Claerbout, 1998, Interval velocity estimation with a null-space: SEP-97, 147-156.
- Dix, C. H., 1952, Seismic prospecting for oil: Harper and Brothers.
- Grant, M., S. Boyd, and Y. Ye, 2006, cvx: Matlab software for disciplined convex programming: boyd/cvx/.
- Valenciano, A. A., M. Brown, M. D. Sacchi, and A. Guitton, 2003, Interval velocity estimation using edge-preserving regularization: SEP-114, 136-150.
Stanford Exploration Project