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Conclusions and Future Work

PEF-based Interpolation methods of varying dimensionality have been tested on synthetic data that mimics modern acquisition and problems. The in-line interpolation of missing shots was very successful, and was not drastically effected by the dimensionality of the filters. However, interpolating by a factor of 3 appears to be much more difficult than by a factor of 2.

For the more difficult task of interpolating missing receiver cables, the added dimensionality is crucial. A simple 2D interpolation is insufficient due to the small number of points in the cross-line. The added third dimension of in-line receiver number gave substantially better results. When the number of recorded receiver cables was reduced from 12 to 6, the results were substantially worse, implying that the additional receiver cables are very valuable.

Interpolation of the sail lines still needs to be performed, but there are more geometrical complications between sail lines as well as the amount of interpolation required.

Finally, the end interpolation results need to be measured in terms of the end result on 3D SRME results.

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Stanford Exploration Project