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Equation 8 was applied to the 3-D marine dataset. Figure [*] shows the same five CMP gathers as Figure [*]. The CMP gathers were created by AMO stacking to zero hy,
\bf m(\rm hy=0,ihx) = \sum_{\rm hy} 
\bf T_{(\rm hx,\rm hy+ iy {\rm dhy} )
\Rightarrow (\rm hx,0)}
\bf m(ihy,ihx) .\end{displaymath} (10)
The resulting CMP gathers show a reduction in the dimming and brightening as function of offset but also show notable reduction in frequency content.

Figure 2
The same five CMP gathers from Figure [*] estimated by applying equation (8). Note the reduced frequency content in the image.

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The approximation is more economical in forming a full 5-D space then the adjoint formulation and produces a greater continuity in the offset plane. On the other hand, noticeable brightening and dimming can still be seen. In addition transfer times, due to the transposes, dominate the processing time.

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Stanford Exploration Project