Next: Sepfile
Up: Basic building blocks
Previous: Parameter
The SEP.args.basic object can be thought of as a collection
of parameters accessible using SEP programming conventions.
You can request a parameter using par.par("tag"), optionally
with a default value, and an error if it doesn't exist.
You can also add a parameter par.add_param("tag",value) to the
collection. The SEP.args.basic can be initialized from
a file, another collection of parameters, or an empty set can be created.
It has the ability to output its contents in various manners.
For example, it can return a simple dictionary linking parameters to
their values or can return the parameters in a sep-style convention (par=val)
in either a list or string form. It can also write its
contents into a file.
Next: Sepfile
Up: Basic building blocks
Previous: Parameter
Stanford Exploration Project