The SEP.vec_super.vector class is derived from the SEP.vec_base.vector class. It is simply a collection of more than one vector. It applies all mathematical operations on each vector independently.
The SEP.vec_oc.vector class is an out-of-core vector that exists in a file. The SEP.vec_sep.vector class is inherited from the SEP.vec_oc.vector class and the SEP.sepfile.sep_file class. It is vectors that are stored in SEPlib files. It uses the SEPlib program Solver_ops to perform mathematical operations. The SEP.vec_oc.vector should not be used by a programmer because the data type (complex or float) has not been defined. The SEP.vec_sfloat.vector and SEP.vec_scmplx.vector classes define the float and complex version of the a SEP out-of-core dataset.
There are six additional vector classes for use with parallel jobs. The current inheritance tree for the vector is shown in Figure . The SEP.pv_copy.cmplx_vector and SEP.pv_copy.float_vector classes are for files that are shared among the nodes (derived from the SEP.pf_copy.parfile) class and are distributed and collected, before and after each parallel operation. The SEP.pv_spli.cmplx_vector and SEP.pv_spli.float_vector vectors are also distributed and collected, but are split among the nodes and inherited from SEP.pf_split.parfile. The final two vectors, SEP.pv_always_split.cmplx_vector and SEP.pv_always_split.float_vector, also inherit from the SEP.pf_split.parfile class. These two classes are never collected or distributed and exist solely on the nodes. Parallel operators using these vector need to be derived from the SEP.pj_split.par_job class. Mathematical operations are done in parallel using the Solver_ops_split program.
Figure 2 Vector inheritance tree. |