The results show an interesting common pattern in all three examples.
The Hashin-Shtrikman upper bound is always smaller, and therefore a
better/tighter bound, than the upper FF bound. But the situation is
more complicated for the lower bounds. Near the point where all the
bounds cross, the lower Hashin-Shtrikman bounds are just slightly better
for higher values of , but significantly better for
the lower values. On the other hand, far from this convergence point
the lower FF bound is clearly superior to Hashin-Shtrikman, both at quite
high and quite low values of
. In fact this is not
surprising since it is in these asymptotic regimes that the FF bounds
tend to become exact estimates. So a reasonable conclusion I reach
from these observations is that the combination of the two
Hashin-Shtrikman bounds and the lower FF bound provides quite
accurate estimates of overall conductivity for the entire range of
pore-fluid conductivities.
Future work along these lines will be directed towards improving the
estimates obtained from the analytical method
by making more direct use of various known constraints
on the resonance density and its integral moments.