njobs =4 #the number of jobs we are going to break the problem into isect_dict={} #an empty dictionary object relating the section and jobid par_list={} #an empty dictionary object relating parameters and jobid for i in range(njobs): #loop over the jobs isect_dict[str(i)]=ia #form the jobid:isect dictionary ('1':1) par_list[str(i)]=SEP.par.sep_pars(name=str(i)) #form an empty parameter list file={} #the files dictionary #create the input: first command line is the name of the file, referenced with< file["input"]=SEP.parfile.parfile(name=sys.argv[1], tag="<",isect_dict=isect_dict, usage="INPUT",axis=3,verb=verb) #create the output parallel file object file["output"]=SEP.parfile.parfile(name=sys.argv[2],tag=">", isect_dict=isect_dict, usage="OUTPUT",axis=3,verb=verb) #create the parallel job test1=SEP.parjob.parjob(files=file,sect_pars=par_list,program="Scale", log_level=2,verb=verb,njobs=njobs) #run the job test1.run_job() #clean: remove all the temporary and status files test1.clean()