Next: Conclusions on the 2-D
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Previous: Conclusions on basic LSJIMP
In the following section, I discuss issues surrounding my particular
implementation of the LSJIMP method.
- Imaging: Imaging of peglegs in this paper is this thesis is
accomplished by HEMNO. Prestack migration implicitly scans over unknown,
arbitrary reflector dips to remove the effects of wave travel between source
and receiver. HEMNO is a single-CMP, analytic moveout equation that assumes
known (small) reflector dips. While HEMNO may lack the accuracy and
generality of high-end prestack migration methods, it retains convincing
advantages in speed and memory usage. Still, improved availability of large
cluster supercomputers indicates that least-squares migration methods may
soon be feasible, even in 3-D.
- Reflection Coefficient: My modeling of the reflection coefficient
of the multiple generator, outlined in Section , is quite
simple: a single coefficient. Measuring and applying a higher-order
parameterization of reflection coefficient would not be terribly difficult,
but the gains might be negligible. My reflection coefficient estimation
algorithm benefits from spatial regularization to filter ``noise''; with
more parameters, would the smoothing any longer make sense? Also, because
LSJIMP is an inversion procedure, the estimated images to some extent will
adapt to any unmodeled amplitude variation, though the residual will be
- Other Amplitude Effects: Levin and Shah (1977) perform a
detailed analysis of such acquisition-related amplitude effects like source
directivity and the response of source arrays and receiver arrays. I have
not accounted for any of these effects in this thesis, though such
corrections may be straightforward to apply, given sufficient knowledge of
acquisition parameters. Nontheless, deficiencies in the modeling are to some
extent accounted for by the reflection coefficient.
Next: Conclusions on the 2-D
Up: Conclusions \label>chapter:conclusions>
Previous: Conclusions on basic LSJIMP
Stanford Exploration Project