Next: Locating regions for potential
Up: Ji: Automatic discontinuity extraction
Coherency evaluation has been widely used
to estimate the continuity of seismic events for a given seismic image,
There are several approaches, including the cross-correlation method Bahorich and Farmer (1995)
and the semblance method Marfurt et al. (1998).
In this paper, I used the semblance method which is an improvement
on the the early cross-correlation method.
The following is a short review of the method.
First of all, as you can see in Figure 2,
I define an elliptic plane that contains J traces
around the trace where the coherency is calculated.
Then the semblance s at the center of the ellipse
for every dip direction is defined as follows:
| ![\begin{displaymath}
s(t,x,y,p,q) =
\{ \left[ \sum_{j=1}^{J}...
...j) \right]^2
+ \left[ u^H(t_{j,k}, x_j,y_j) \right]^2
}\end{displaymath}](img2.gif) |
(1) |

where u is the image data, the superscript H represent the Hilbert transform,
p and q are the dips of elliptic plane along x and y axes direction, respectively.
In order to suppress a possible high coherency value around the zero-crossing location,
the average semblance is calculated along a time window
that ranges from upper K to lower K.
Figure 2 Elliptic analysis window centered about an analysis point including J traces.
|  |
As evident in equation (1), the coherency analysis requires
average semblances for various dips (Figure 3).
The method of choosing the dips is important
not only for the computational cost,
but also to obtain an even distribution of dips.
I used a ``Chinese checker'' tessellation Marfurt et al. (1998)
to find a finite number of discrete angle combinations.
Then the coherency value at each location was determined by choosing
a maximum value among the semblance values for various dips as follows:
|  |
(2) |
This coherency evaluation is performed for the Boonsville image
and the result is shown in Figure 4.
In Figure 4, the coherency values are shown in grey scale
so that the dark represent low coherency and the bright represent high coherency.
A comparison of Figure 4 to Figure 1, shows that the coherency
cube more clearly reveals the discontinuities in the seismic
image. It shows not only the discontinuities that were obvious,
but also the ones that are hard to recognize in the seismic image.
Figure 4 Selected sections of coherency cube of the Boonsville image.
Next: Locating regions for potential
Up: Ji: Automatic discontinuity extraction
Stanford Exploration Project