Up: Pride et al.: Seismic
In order to use the unified double-porosity framework of the present paper,
it is convenient to have models for the various porous-continuum constituent
For unconsolidated sands and soils, the frame moduli (drained bulk modulus Kd and
shear modulus G) are well modeled using the following variant of
the Walton (1987) theory [c.f., Pride (2003) for details]
| ![\begin{eqnarray}
K^d \!\!&=& \frac{1}{6} \left[\frac{4 (1-\phi_o)^2 n_o^2 P_o}{\...
...{\left\{1 + [16 P_e/(9 P_o)]^4\right\}^{1/24}},
\\ G &=& 3 K^d/5, \end{eqnarray}](img236.gif) |
(133) |
| (134) |
where Pe is the effective overburden pressure [e.g.,
g is gravity and h is overburden thickness] and where Po is the effective
pressure at which all grain-to-grain contacts are established.
For Pe < Po, the coordination number n (average number of grain contacts
per grain) is increasing as (Pe/Po)1/2. For Pe > Po, the coordination
number remains constant n=no.
The parameter Po is commonly on the order of 10 MPa. As
the Walton (1987) result is obtained (all contacts in place starting from
Pe = 0). The porosity
of the grain pack is
and the compliance parameter Cs is defined
|  |
(135) |
where Ks and Gs are the mineral moduli of the grains.
For unimodal grain-size distributions and random grain packs, one typically has
and 8 < no < 11.
For consolidated sandstones, the frame moduli are modelled in the present paper
as [c.f., Pride (2003) for details]
|  |
(136) |
| (137) |
The consolidation parameter c represents the degree of consolidation
between the grains and lies in the approximate range
2 < c < 20 for sandstones. If it is necessary to use a c greater
than say 20 or 30, then it is probably better to use the modified-Walton theory.
The undrained moduli Ku and B are conveniently and exactly
modeled using the Gassmann (1951) theory whenever the grains are
isotropic and composed of a single mineral. The results are
|  |
(138) |
| (139) |
from which the Biot-Willis constant
may be determined to be
. These Gassmann results are often called
the ``fluid-substitution'' relations.
The dynamic permeability
as modeled by Johnson et al. (1987)
| ![\begin{displaymath}
\frac{k(\omega)}{k_o} = \left[\sqrt{1- i \frac{4}{n_J} \frac{\omega}{\omega_c} }
- i \frac{\omega}{\omega_c}\right]^{-1},
\end{displaymath}](img245.gif) |
(140) |
where the relaxation frequency
, which controls the frequency at which
viscous-boundary layers first develop, is given by
|  |
(141) |
Here, F is exactly the electrical formation factor when grain-surface
electrical conduction is not important and is conveniently
(though crudely) modeled using Archie's law
. The cementation
exponent m is related to the distribution of grain shapes (or pore topology)
in the sample and is
generally close to 3/2 in clean sands, close to 2 in shaly sands, and close to
1 in rocks having fracture porosity. The parameter nJ is, for convenience,
taken to be 8 (cylinder model of the porespace).
Up: Pride et al.: Seismic
Stanford Exploration Project