Next: Parallelization and Regularization
Previous: Dimensionality
The estimation problem we have set up requires a model space larger than we will
typically use in migration. As mentioned above, traditional implementation of AMO Biondi et al. (1998)
works like Kirchhoff migration. We define our model space (as sparse or as dense as we wish)
and there sum in nearby traces with appropriate weights. The AMO procedure can be used
as a fairly intelligent partial stack. By implementing the AMO as a regularization
operator we are asking
to map the trace from the irregular data space
to the the regular space that our model exists on. If we have too coarse of
a sampling in our model space we end up mapping numerous data points to each model point.
If we think about data's behavior as a function of offset (fairly variable even after NMO)
the danger of making too large of bins becomes apparent.
The problem is that our full model space is enormous. A small to mid-size
dataset might have 1500 time samples, 1000 cmpx, 1000 cmpy, 128 hx, and
require 20 hy. That amounts 15 TBs, exceeding the entire storage capacity of SEP.
Even a small portion of the dataset (500 cmpx, 200 cmpy) will still consume 1.5 TB.
Next: Parallelization and Regularization
Previous: Dimensionality
Stanford Exploration Project