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In the formulation above our model quality is now greatly determined
by our choice of regularization operator.
Biondi and Vlad (2001) implemented two different
approach. The first was simply applying a derivative filter,
1 |
along the offset axis. The
controls the length of
the smoother. For symmetry we can cascade a left derivative
by a right derivative
for the combined regularization operator
Biondo and Vlad's (2001) second choice is more interesting. Vlad and Biondi (2001) describes
a very fast implementation of AMO (based on the DMO formulation in the logstretch domain
of Zhou et al. (1996)) on a regularly sampled mesh.
They suggested instead of minimizing the difference between two
offset cubes, to minimize the difference between the two cubes
continued to the same offset through AMO.
If we now imagine the filter operating on (t,cmpx,cmpy) cubes, the right derivative operation becomes
-  |
is the AMO transformation of the (t,cmpx,cmpy) at offset i+1 to offset i.
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Stanford Exploration Project