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shows a fully-sampled plane wave previously used as a test case for PEF estimation
Brown et al. (2000). Nine traces (approximately 15 percent of traces) were removed from this model and were used to estimate a PEF.
The only inputs to the algorithm are the nine traces and the distances between the traces. The results are
promising, as the dip is easily recovered.
Figure 3 Plane wave test case: (a) is the original fully-sampled data;
(b) is the sub-sampled version; (c) is the inverse impulse response of the PEF; and (d) is an
interpolated copy of coarsened data.
The inverse impulse response of the PEF, shown in Figure
c, matches the dip of the original fully-sampled data.
d contains a re-sampled version of Figure
b, which was then interpolated with the PEF estimated on
the irregularly-sampled traces. The flat areas in that image are due to the re-sampling and not the PEF.
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Up: Curry: Prediction-error filter estimation
Previous: Irregular Traces
Stanford Exploration Project