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The obvious direction in which to move this project is migration. By using migration, rather than NMO, as
the imaging operator, the limiting assumptions of NMO (v(z), flat reflectors) can be abandoned.
Furthermore, the limitations of operating in the offset domain can be overcome by moving to the more
intuitive angle domain. In some cases, multiples provide better angular coverage over a recorded cable
length. Systematic integration of this extra information could prove revolutionary in regions of poor
illumination. But the fruits of this transition are not without challenges. Because NMO is a vertical mapping,
each CMP can be processed independently, making the memory requirements of the current implementation
reasonable, and parallelization quite simple. Correctly handling the transformation of amplitudes between
primary and pseudo-primary may prove even more of a challenge. Also, regardless of whether NMO or migration
is used, the move to 3-D is never a forgiving one from the computational standpoint.
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Up: Brown : Imaging with
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Stanford Exploration Project