The user can press key `3' and get a sterescopic view through inexpensive polarized glasses. It can easily switch between normal viewing and stereoscopic view. A 3D image is like an ordinary picture, but a stereo image gives a stronger sense of depth. This is generated by providing two slightly different images of the same object to each eye separately. Other options include:
In addition to being able to slice through regular cubes in a 3-D environment a 3-D viewer offers the ability to display surfaces. The surface can be either a 2-D regular mesh or an irregular mesh with connectivity information. The regular mesh option might be used to display an impulse response, where the z axis is used for the amplitude at various locations. To some extent this would duplicate the functionality of the SEPlib program Thplot but with surface rather than line displays and interactivity.
The VTK library also easily lends itself to the display
of irregular functions, such as surfaces.
Both regular and irregular functions can be displayed using
the program VtkGocadplot.
The program can read SEP regular cubes or irregular surfaces
described in terms of the GOCAD ascii standard.
shows the salt body from SEG salt model
displayed in VTK.