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In this book, as in my previous book, , I owe a great deal to the many students at the Stanford Exploration Project. The local computing environment from my previous book is still a benefit, and for this I thank Stew Levin, Dave Hale, and Richard Ottolini. In preparing this book I am specially indebted to Joe Dellinger for his development of the intermediate graphics language vplot that I used for all the figures. I am also very grateful to Kamal Al-Yahya for converting my thinking from the troff typesetting language to LATEX, for setting up the initial structure of the book in LATEX, and for the conversion program tr2tex (which he made publicly available and which is already widely used) that I needed to salvage my older materials. I have benefited from helpful suggestions by Bill Harlan and Gilles Darche. Biondo Biondi, Dave Nichols, and I developed the saw and sat Fortran preprocessors. Dave Nichols found the cake document maintenance system, adapted it to our local needs, and taught us all how to use it, thereby giving us a machine-independent software environment. Martin Karrenbach implemented the caption pushbuttons and had many ideas for integrating the paper book with the interactive book. Steve Cole adapted vplot to Postscript and X, redesigned xtex for Sun computers, and generously offered assistance in all areas. Mark Chackerian prepared the first CD-ROM of the electronic book and gave assistance with LATEX. I am thankful to my editor, JoAnn Heydron, for careful work, to Joe Stefani for detecting typographical errors in mathematics, and to Diane Lau for office assistance.

Jon Claerbout  
Stanford University  
most final revisions in 1992 
(electronic media keep changing)

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Stanford Exploration Project