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Monoplanes in local windows

The earth dip changes rapidly with location. In a small region there is a local dip and dip bandwidth that determines the best LOMOPLAN (LOcal MOPLAN). To see how to cope with the edge effects of filtering in a small region, and to see how to patch together these small regions, recall subroutine patchn() [*] and the weighting subroutines that work with it.

Figure [*] shows a synthetic model that illustrates local variation in bedding. Notice dipping bedding, curved bedding, unconformity between them, and a fault in the curved bedding. Also, notice that the image has its amplitude tapered to zero on the left and right sides. After local monoplane annihilation (LOMOPLAN), the continuous bedding is essentially gone. The fault and unconformity remain.

Figure 4
Left is a synthetic reflectivity model. Right is the result of local monoplane annihilation.

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The local spatial prediction-error filters contain the essence of a factored form of the inverse spectrum of the model.

Because the plane waves are local, the illustrations were made with module lopef [*].

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Stanford Exploration Project