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The Board of Directors

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Dr. Albert M. Pennybacker, is President of the Ecumenical Development Initiative, serving both the World Council of Churches and the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA He is also a professor of ecumenical studies at Lexington Theological Seminary in Lexington, Kentucky and has been a visiting professor at Yale Divinity School. He served in pastoral ministry for 36 years, the last 16 as senior minister of the 4,000-member University Christian Church in Forth Worth, Texas.

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Reverend Amos C. Brown is pastor of Third Baptist Church, San Francisco, the oldest African American Baptist Church in the western states. Previously, he served as National Chairman of the National Baptist Commission on Civil Rights and Human Services, Chairman of the Black Caucus of the American Baptist Churches, USA, Vice President of the Governing Board of San Francisco Community College, and chaplain of the Minnesota State Senate.

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The Most Reverend Edmond L. Browning is the Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church. As Presiding Bishop, he is president of the House of Bishops and chief pastor to 2.5 million Episcopalians in the United States, as well as in the Latin America, the Caribbean and Asia. Bishop Browning is a member of the General Board of the National Council of Churches in the USA and a member of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches.

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Dr. Joan Brown Campbell is the current General Secretary of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA. As General Secretary, Dr. Campbell is chief executive officer and official spokesperson for the NCC, whose member churches represent more than 42 million U.S. Christians. During a distinguished career marked by a commitment to ecumenical dialogue, she has served as President of the National Association of Ecumenical Staff and as a member of the Steering Committee for U.S. Church Leaders.

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Reverend David Currie is from San Angelo, Texas, and is Coordinator of Texas Baptists Committed. Prior to holding that position, he worked for the Texas Department of Agriculture in Austin, and he was Field Coordinator for Baptists Committed to the Southern Baptist Convention. He is an active rancher and a managing partner of D and D ranch, a 2,300 acre sheep and cattle ranch in Concho County Texas. He is married to Jackie Lorretta Currie, the father of two children and stepfather of another three.

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Denise T. Davidoff, Vice President, is the current Moderator of the Unitarian Universalist Association. As the highest elected officer in the Association, Ms. Davidoff presides at the General Assembly and represents more than 1,000 congregations in the United States, Canada, and overseas. She has also served as President of the Unitarian Universalist Women's Federation and currently presides at meetings of the Unitarian Universalist Board of Trustees.

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Rabbi David Gelfand, Secretary, is Senior Rabbi of the Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple in Cleveland, Ohio. He serves as a chairperson for the Clergy Division of the United Way and is an executive board member of the Synagogue Council of America. Gelfand also was an adjunct faculty member of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York City and has published numerous articles on social justice issues.

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Bishop Thomas J. Gumbleton is a Roman Catholic Bishop from the Archdiocese of Detroit and has had a distinguished career as a spokesperson for world peace. He has served as President of Bread For the World and is serving on the Board of Witness For Peace. He has received numerous awards, including the University of Notre Dame Peacemaker Award, and has published over twenty articles in national publications on issues related to world peace and social justice.

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Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg has made ground-breaking contributions in his dedicated service as a rabbi and a scholar. While holding past professorships at Columbia, Princeton and New York Universities, Rabbi Hertzberg produced publications which reflect the reason he is considered to be one of this country's most influential theological minds. At New York University Rabbi Hertzberg holds the endowed Bronfman Chair for the humanities. He has served as president of the American Jewish Policy Foundation as well as president of the American Jewish Congress.

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Reverend Leonard B. Jackson is an associate pastor of the First African Methodist Episcopal Church in Los Angeles. He played a major role in planning and implementing the relief efforts immediately following the recent civil unrest in Los Angeles. He has devoted himself to the reinvigoration of the Los Angeles community by providing leadership for a number of volunteer organizations, including the Los Angeles Youth Motivational Task Force.

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Bishop Frederick James,Vice President, is the presiding Bishop of the Second Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church which includes the District of Columbia, Virginia, Maryland and North Carolina. His career is marked by a lifetime involvement in the struggle for civil rights. His commitment to the eradication of Apartheid in South Africa was the reason behind his selection as one of 44 delegates from the United States attending Nelson Mandela's inauguration in 1994.

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Dr. Robert H. Meneilly is the senior pastor of The Village Church in Prairie Village, Kansas, which is a 7,600 member congregation. He recently served terms on the Board of Trustees at both Pittsburgh and McCormick Theological Seminaries and is the current President of the Kansas City Council of Churches. His sermon, "The Dangers of Religion," appeared in the August 15, 1993 edition of The New York Times.

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Rabbi Jack Moline, a native of Chicago, comes to us from the Agudas Achim Congregation of Northern Virginia. In addition to his role as President of the Washington Board of Rabbis, Rabbi Moline is an adjunct faculty member of the Virginia Theological Seminary and the author of two books: Growing Up Jewish, a book of humor published by Penguin and Eizeh Hu Gibbor — Jewish Leadership and Heroism, a source book of case studies, published by United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. He prefers to be best know as husband of Ann and father of Jennie, Julia and Max.

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Bishop Francis P. Murphy, Vice President, is currently serving as Auxiliary Bishop of the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. He has a long standing involvement with issues related to care for the poor, including his current service as President of the Western Maryland Interfaith Housing Development. He also serves as an advisory Board Member for the Christian Children's Fund as well as on the Board of Directors of Bread For the World.

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Reverend Meg Riley is currently the Director of the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Washington Office for Faith in Action. She previously served the UUA as the Director of the Office of Lesbian, Bisexual and Gay Concerns and before that as the Director of Youth Programs. She currently sits on the National Advisory Council for Americans United for Separation of Church and State and serves as our Associate Minister at All Souls Community Church in Washington D.C.

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Dr. A. Knighton Stanley has provided leadership for his denomination and his community in the nation's capitol for over 35 years. Dr. Stanley is the Senior Minister of Peoples Congregational United Church of Christ in Washington D.C. He is a member of the United Church of Christ's General Synod Nominating Committee and chairs the Board of Trustees of the University of the District of Columbia. He also serves on the Steering Committee of America 2000 and is a member of the Board of Directors of both the Columbia Heights Development Corporation and the Latino Development Corporation.

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Dr. John M. Swomley is Professor Emeritus of Christian Social Ethics, St. Paul School of Theology, Kansas City, MO. He is a United Methodist minister and President of Americans for Religious Liberty. Dr. Swomley has published over 400 articles and seven books on religious liberty and Christian Ethics. He is a committed member of national peace organizations such as the Fellowship of Reconciliation, which he served as executive director.

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Reverend Gardner C. Taylor is Pastor Emeritus of the Concord Baptist Church of Christ and is past president of the Progressive National Baptist Convention. His leadership as a preacher, teacher and pastor has earned the respect of his colleagues and congregants. He delivered the invocation at President Bill Clinton's 1993 inauguration. Time has referred to Reverend Taylor as "the Dean of the nation's black preachers"; Ebony praised him as "one of the greatest preachers in American history."

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William P. Thompson has had an unparalleled commitment to the Presbyterian church as a denominational, national and international lay leader. He has been elected as both Moderator and Stated Clerk of the General Assembly for the Presbyterian Church U.S.A--the two highest elected positions in the denomination. He served on the General Board of the National Council of Churches from 1966 to 1984 and is former President of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches. Mr. Thompson currently serves as a member of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches.

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Dr. Foy Valentine has distinguished himself as a theologian, scholar and Christian Ethicist, publishing numerous books and articles in the Christian Social Ethics field. He has served as chairman of the Christian Ethics Commission for Baptist World Alliance and served on President Jimmy Carter's Commission for a National Agenda for the 1980's. He is the immediate past president of Americans United for Separation of Church and State and for 28 years was Executive Director of the Christian Life Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention.

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Dr. Herbert Valentine, Past President, is former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church (USA), the highest elected position in the church body. His lifelong commitment to urban ministry led him to his present position as Executive Presbyter for the Baltimore Presbytery. He is one of the founders of The Interfaith Alliance and serves as the Chair of its Board of Directors.

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Dr. J. Philip Wogaman, First Vice President, is Senior Minister of Foundary United Methodist Church in Washington D.C. During his tenure as Professor of Christian Ethics at Wesley Theological Seminary, Dr. Wogaman has served as past president of the Society of Christian Ethics of the United States and Canada from 1966-77 and as Dean of Wesley Seminary from 1972-83. In addition to his contribution to the field of Christian Ethics in the form of numerous articles and thirteen books, Dr. Wogaman was a delegate to the United Methodist General Conference and was a member of the World Methodist Council from 1986-91.

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