Josman's WebTV Image Grabber v.9

Instructions: Enter the URL below that stores your images. Click "grab", and it's pretty self-explanatory from there.

By clicking this button, you have accepted the terms.

Terms: Look, no one wants you ripping off their images. Don't grab images unless you've gotten permission first, or you plan to grab images only for personal (non-public) use. That's it. Don't grab anything too naughty.

Send comments and bugs to the author.
Test Cases
Jon's Home page no trailing slash.
Guinness - frames with different base URL than
Renée's toessel - Jpegs, gifs, background images
The Onion - Frames, nothing fancy.
Web Chat Icons - Animated gifs, straight HTML.
WebTV Help Page - Strange WebTV Icon.
Secret Admirer Page - WebTV Community Site
Photopoint album page, no .gifs or .jpgs
Gifs 123 links to images rather than images.
Single photpoint Image, no .jpg or .gif