It was during one of the Victoria's Secret catalog shoots. Usually we only let the girls up here a couple of times a season, but as a personal favor to Tyra and Heidi, I let them do this bikini snowboard thing, Bad idea. The girls were strictly amateurs, and always getting themselves stuck in one mess or another. All day, "Ashton, we've got four girls in silk teddies stuck in the lift by Devil's Creek", or "Ashton, Cynthia's bedroom slippers are stuck in boot bindings", or "Ashton, Heidi got her velvet bathrobe caught in the tree by the lodge". Work, work, work. But seeing the expression on those girls' faces when I show up in my Papa Bear makes it all worthwhile. One of them even wrote me a poem:
Big burly man becomes teddy bear with the Papa Bear Toessel superbly situated on large loaf. The key to any babelicious heart, is indeed through the Papa Bear Toessel. Let Ashton be the what can that boy be hiding?
I have no idea what it means.

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