Beth Candy I appreciate your taking the time to let me know what happened to the guy I only knew as AJ. AJ was more than a guy I met online. His spirit was able to transcend the written word and just grab your heart. I thoroughly enjoyed corresponding with him. It could have been about WebScissors - it could have been about the weather. Whatever he had to say it was large - it was human, it was spirited and enjoyable.

Thank you so much for putting my name on that. I'd be so darn proud if you put my full name - Beth Candy. I'm proud to know JOS and so so sad that he is gone. Even though our correspondence came to a sudden halt, I never felt as though he had turned away from me. Sometimes you lose touch with someone when a project is over and you know you were only part of that pigeonhole of their life and sometimes you lose touch with people but you know that you are still carried in their heart. JOS gave me a glimpse of his heart and he was so genuine, so honest and caring that I didn't mind losing touch because I knew he had a large life and whenever I would hear from again would be okay with me.