Ground Penetrating Radar
My interest in GPR imaging is applying advanced seismic imaging techniques to GPR wavefields. Interestingly, with advances in GPR acquisition systems on the horizon, effective prestack imaging of GPR data may soon be here.
GPR data are slightly different then seismic, though, since they incorporate both source and receiver radiation patterns that depend on the media into which the waves are propagating. A complete application of seismic imaging techniques therefore requires taking into account radiation patterns and a few other things. I have written a paper with co-authors Brad Artman and James Irving that specifies how we feel that most of these problems can be addressed using a shot-profile migration framework that naturally separates the imaging problem into source andreceiver wavefields. This flexibility should enable advanced GPR processing and imaging to develop. Read more in the paper below.
If you're interested, then drop me a line...I'm always interested in a little bit of collaboration.