Stewart A. Levin was acting director of the Stanford Exploration Project during Jon Claerbout's 1993-94 sabbatical year.

Online reports:

2 1/2-D fault shadows and subsalt blind spots?

Resolution in seismic imaging: Is it all a matter of perspective?

AVO estimation using surface-related multiple prediction.

AVO, 4C or what?.

ADI on the Connection Machine.

Note on "exporting" PowerPoint figures into TIFF

Amplitude versus Angle - AVO aka AVA

Test your migration IQ

Other documents:

Descartes' Rule of Signs - How hard can it be?

Proof by Gauss of Descartes' Rule of Signs. Translated from the original German.

Laguerre's 1883 "On the Theory of Numeric Equations" The first article in his collected works. Translated from the original French.

(Possibly) Useful Software:

mcro77: a Fortran 77 update of the TOMS Algorithm 622 Fortran-literate macro preprocessor

CWLS LAS well log reformat: a Unix update of the LAS well log reformat utility from the Canadian Well Logging Society

Seg2Mat: source code to convert SEG-2 formatted seismic files to MATLABĀ® Level 5 Mat-File format.

bftp: an SGI update to the batch ftp program from ISI. Includes an xtpanel script for running from an X-window interface.

xtdialer: an xtpanel script for dialing automated information services.

xtkermit: an xtpanel package for running kermit with X-window pull-down menus.

In addition to geophysics, Dr. Levin's hobbies include mailing list software for churches, synagogues, and other nonprofit organizations. For more info follow this link: Nonprofit Mailing Kit.

Dr. Levin has also contributed a Tennyson e-text to Project Gutenberg. A pdf version of Enoch Arden may be retrieved here. A preliminary pdf version of Homer's Iliad may also be retrieved. You may also be interested in Our American Cousin, the play Lincoln was watching when he was assassinated. He has also contributed Songs for Parents by John Chipman Farrar to PG. An excerpt follows:


I used to build me castles of moisty sand and shells,
And dream they were for princesses who wove me magic spells;
But yesterday along the beach my fairy princess came--
And she's too big for castles--now isn't that a shame!

For the scouting community I offer the a list of scouting jokes from a recent campout my son and I attended. (Eiffel)


Last updated Sept 15, 2015