Dimitri Bevc joined the Stanford Exploration Project in September 1991 and completed his Ph.D. in August 1995 . He also holds an A.B. in geophysics (1984) and M.Sc. in engineering geoscience (1989), both from the University of California at Berkeley. From 1984 to 1987 he was employed as a geophysicist with Electromagnetic Surveys Inc. In 1990 and 1991 he was employed by Chevron Exploration and Production Services as a summer hire geophysicist. Dimitri is a principal at 3DGeo Development Inc., where he works on the development and implementation of 3D processing and imaging technology. He is a member of SEG and AGU.

Many people have trouble pronouncing my last name. The phonetic spelling is ``Bayoats''.

One-zero-victor is just one of the FPI planes I like to fly.

Yosemite big walls like El Cap's Salthe Wall offer diversion from science while heightening appreciation of tectonic processes.