YCLIP - Clip a function y(x) defined by linear interpolation of the uniformly sampled values: y(fx), y(fx+dx), ..., y(fx+(nx-1)*dx). Returns the number of samples in the clipped function. yclip clip a function y(x) defined by linear interplolation of uniformly sampled values Function Prototype: int yclip (int nx, float dx, float fx, float y[], float ymin, float ymax, float xc[], float yc[]); Input: nx number of x (and y) values dx x sampling interval fx first x y array[nx] of uniformly sampled y(x) values ymin minimum y value; must not be greater than ymax ymax maximum y value; must not be less than ymin Output: xc array[?] of x values for clipped y(x) yc array[?] of y values for clipped y(x) Returned: number of samples in output arrays xc and yc Notes: The output arrays xc and yc should contain space 2*nx values, which is the maximum possible number (nc) of xc and yc returned. Author: Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines, 07/03/89