TRIP - TRI-Plane 3D data viewer trip < datain [parameters] Required parameters: n1= number of x samples (1st dimension) n2= number of y samples (2nd dimension) n3= number of z samples (3nd dimension) Optional Parameters: cx=n2/n2s/2 (integer) x-intercept of view plane facing x-axis ", cy=n3/n3s/2 (integer) y-intercept of view plane facing y-axis ", cz=n1/n1s/2 (integer) z-intercept of view plane facing z-axis n1s=1 stride in the fastest dimension n2s=1 stride in the second dimension n3s=1 stride in the third dimension hue=1 for hue and 0 for bw q=-0.6,0.06,-0.06,0.8 define the quaternion tbs=0.8 the lager the slower it rotates Credits: CWP: Zhaobo Meng, 1996