SWAPBYTES - SWAP the BYTES of various data types swapbytes stdout Required parameters: none Optional parameters: in=float input type (float) =double (double) =short (short) =ushort (unsigned short) =long (long) =ulong (unsigned long) =int (int) outpar=/dev/tty output parameter file, contains the number of values (n1=) other choices for outpar are: /dev/tty, /dev/stderr, or a name of a disk file Notes: The byte order of the mantissa of binary data values on PC's and DEC's is the reverse of so called "big endian" machines (IBM RS6000, SUN,etc.) hence the need for byte-swapping capability. The subroutines in this code have been tested for swapping between PCs and big endian machines, but have not been tested for DEC products. Caveat: 2 byte short, 4 byte long, 4 byte float, 4 byte int, and 8 bit double assumed. Credits: CWP: John Stockwell (Jan 1994) Institut fur Geophysik, Hamburg: Jens Hartmann supplied byte swapping subroutines