SUWIND - window traces by key word suwind stdout [options] Required Parameters: none Optional Parameters: verbose=0 =1 for verbose key=tracl Key header word to window on (see segy.h) min=LONG_MIN min value of key header word to pass max=LONG_MAX max value of key header word to pass abs=0 =1 to take absolute value of key header word j=1 Pass every j-th trace ... s=0 ... based at s (if ((key - s)%j) == 0) count=ULONG_MAX ... up to count traces reject=none Skip traces with specified key values accept=none Pass traces with specified key values(see notes) processing, but do no window the data Options for vertical windowing (time gating): dt=tr.dt (from header) time sampling interval (sec) tmin=0.0 min time to pass tmax=(from header) max time to pass itmin=0 min time sample to pass itmax=(from header) max time sample to pass nt=itmax-itmin+1 number of time samples to pass Notes: On large data sets, the count parameter should be set if possible. Otherwise, every trace in the data set will be examined. However, the count parameter overrides the accept parameter, so you can't specify count if you want true unconditional acceptance. The accept option is a bit strange--it does NOT mean accept ONLY the traces on the accept list! It means accept these traces, even if they would otherwise be rejected (except as noted in the previous paragraph). To implement accept-only, you can use the max=0 option (rejecting everything). For example, to accept only the tracl values 4, 5 and 6: ... | suwind max=0 accept=4,5,6 | ... Another example is the case of suppressing nonseismic traces in a seismic data set. By the SEGY standard header field trace id, trid=1 designates traces as being seismic traces. Other traces, such as calibration traces may be designated by another value. Example: trid=1 seismic and trid=0 is nonseismic. To reject nonseismic traces ... | suwind key=trid reject=0 | ... On most 32 bit machines, LONG_MIN, LONG_MAX and ULONG_MAX are about -2E9,+2E9 and 4E9, they are defined in limits.h. Selecting times beyond the maximum in the data induces zero padding (up to SU_NFLTS). The time gating here is to the nearest neighboring sample or time value. Gating to the exact temporal value requires resampling if the selected times fall between samples on the trace. Use suresamp to perform the time gating in this case. It doesn't really make sense to specify both itmin and tmin, but specifying itmin takes precedence over specifying tmin. Similarly, itmax takes precedence over tmax and tmax over nt. If dt in header is not set, then dt is mandatory Credits: SEP: Einar Kjartansson CWP: Shuki Ronen, Jack Cohen, Chris Liner Warnemuende: Toralf Foerster Trace header fields accessed: ns, dt, delrt, keyword Trace header fields modified: ns, delrt, ntr