SUVEL2DF - compute stacking VELocity semblance for a single time in over Vnmo and eta in 2-D suvel2df stdout [optional parameters] Required Parameters: tn zero-offset time of reflection offsetm Maximum offset considerd Optional Parameters: nv=50 number of velocities dv=50.0 velocity sampling interval fv=1500.0 first velocity nvh=50 number of horizotal velocities dvh=50.0 horizontal velocity sampling interval fvh=1500.0 first horizontal velocity xod=1.5 maximum offset-to-depth ratio to resolve dtratio=5 ratio of output to input time sampling intervals nsmooth=dtratio*2+1 length of semblance num and den smoothing window verbose=0 =1 for diagnostic print on stderr vavg=fv+0.5*(nv-1)*dv average velocity used in the search Notes: Semblance is defined by the following quotient: n-1 [ sum q(t,j) ]^2 j=0 s(t) = ------------------ n-1 n sum [q(t,j)]^2 j=0 where n is the number of non-zero samples after muting. Smoothing (nsmooth) is applied separately to the numerator and denominator before computing this semblance quotient. Input traces should be sorted by cdp - suvel2df outputs a group of semblance traces every time cdp changes. Therefore, the output will be useful only if cdp gathers are input. Credits: CWP: Tariq Alkhalifah, February 1997 Trace header fields accessed: ns, dt, delrt, offset, cdp. Trace header fields modified: ns, dt, offset.