SUSYNLVFTI - SYNthetic seismograms for Linear Velocity function in a factored Transversely Isotropic medium susynlvfti >outfile [optional parameters] Optional Parameters: nt=101 number of time samples dt=0.04 time sampling interval (sec) ft=0.0 first time (sec) nxo=1 number of source-receiver offsets dxo=0.05 offset sampling interval (km) fxo=0.0 first offset (km, see notes below) xo=fxo,fxo+dxo,... array of offsets (use only for non-uniform offsets) nxm=101 number of midpoints (see notes below) dxm=0.05 midpoint sampling interval (km) fxm=0.0 first midpoint (km) nxs=101 number of shotpoints (see notes below) dxs=0.05 shotpoint sampling interval (km) fxs=0.0 first shotpoint (km) x0=0.0 distance x at which v00 is specified z0=0.0 depth z at which v00 is specified v00=2.0 velocity at x0,z0 (km/sec) dvdx=0.0 derivative of velocity with distance x (dv/dx) dvdz=0.0 derivative of velocity with depth z (dv/dz) fpeak=0.2/dt peak frequency of symmetric Ricker wavelet (Hz) ref=1:1,2;4,2 reflector(s): "amplitude:x1,z1;x2,z2;x3,z3;... smooth=0 =1 for smooth (piecewise cubic spline) reflectors er=0 =1 for exploding reflector amplitudes ls=0 =1 for line source; default is point source ob=0 =1 to include obliquity factors tmin=10.0*dt minimum time of interest (sec) ndpfz=5 number of diffractors per Fresnel zone verbose=1 =1 to print some useful information For transversely isotropic media: angxs=0.0 angle of symmetry axis with the vertical (degrees) define the media using either a=1.0 corresponding to the ratio of elastic coef.(c1111/c3333) f=0.4 corresponding to the ratio of elastic coef. (c1133/c3333) l=0.3 corresponding to the ratio of elastic coef. (c1313/c3333) Alternately use Tompson\'s parameters: delta=0 Thomsen's 1986 defined parameter epsilon=0 Thomsen's 1986 defined parameter ntries=40 number of iterations in Snell's law and offset searches epsx=.001 lateral offset tolerance epst=.0001 reflection time tolerance nitmax=12 max number of iterations in travel time integrations Notes: Offsets are signed - may be positive or negative. Receiver locations are computed by adding the signed offset to the source location. Specify either midpoint sampling or shotpoint sampling, but not both. If neither is specified, the default is the midpoint sampling above. More than one ref (reflector) may be specified. When obliquity factors are included, then only the left side of each reflector (as the x,z reflector coordinates are traversed) is reflecting. For example, if x coordinates increase, then the top side of a reflector is reflecting. Note that reflectors are encoded as quoted strings, with an optional reflector amplitude: preceding the x,z coordinates of each reflector. Default amplitude is 1.0 if amplitude: part of the string is omitted. Concerning the choice of delta and epsilon. The difference between delta", and epsilon should not exceed one. A possible break down of the program is the result. This is caused primarly by the break down in the two point", ray-tracing. Also keep the values of delta and epsilon between 2 and -2.