SUSYNCZ - SYNthetic seismograms for piecewise constant V(Z) function True amplitude (primaries only) modeling for 2.5D susyncz > outfile [parameters] Required parameters: none Optional Parameters: ninf=4 number of interfaces (not including upper surface) dip=5*i dips of interfaces in degrees (i=1,2,3,4) zint=100*i z-intercepts of interfaces at x=0 (i=1,2,3,4) v=1500+ 500*i velocities below surface & interfaces (i=0,1,2,3,4) rho=1,1,1,1,1 densities below surface & interfaces (i=0,1,2,3,4) nline=1 number of (identical) lines ntr=32 number of traces dx=10 trace interval tdelay=0 delay in recording time after source initiation dt=0.004 time interval nt=128 number of time samples Notes: The original purpose of this code was to create some nontrivial data for Brian Sumner's CZ suite. The program produces zero-offset data over dipping reflectors. In the original fortran code, some arrays had the index interval 1:ninf, as a natural way to index over the subsurface reflectors. This indexing was preserved in this C translation. Consequently, some arrays in the code do not use the 0 "slot". Example: susyncz | sufilter | sugain tpow=1 | display_program Trace header fields set: tracl, ns, dt, delrt, ntr, sx, gx Credits: CWP: Brian Sumner, 1983, 1985, Fortran design and code CWP: Stockwell & Cohen, 1995, translation to C