SUSTACK - stack adjacent traces having the same key header word sustack stdout [Optional parameters] Required parameters: none Optional parameters: key=cdp header key word to stack on normpow=1.0 each sample is divided by the normpow'th number of non-zero values stacked (normpow=0 selects no division) verbose=0 verbose = 1 echos information Note: The offset field is set to zero on the output traces. Sushw can be used afterwards if this is not acceptable. Credits: SEP: Einar Kjartansson CWP: Jack K. Cohen, Dave Hale Note: The "valxxx" subroutines are in su/lib/valpkge.c. In particular, "valcmp" shares the annoying attribute of "strcmp" that if (valcmp(type, val, valnew) { ... } will be performed when val and valnew are different. Trace header fields accessed: ns Trace header fields modified: nhs, tracl, offset