SUSORTY - make a small 2-D common shot off-end data set in which the data show geometry values to help visualize data sorting. susorty [optional parameters] > out_data_file Optional parameters: nt=100 number of time samples nshot=10 number of shots dshot=10 shot interval (m) noff=20 number of offsets doff=20 offset increment (m) Notes: Creates a common shot su data file for sort visualization time samples quantity ---------------- ---------- first 25% shot coord second 25% rec coord third 25% offset fourth 25% cmp coord 1. default is shot ordered (hsv2 cmap looks best to me) susorty | suximage legend=1 units=meters cmap=hsv2 2. sort on cmp (note random order within a cmp) susorty | susort cdp > suximage < legend=1 units=meters cmap=hsv2 3. sort to cmp and subsort on offset susorty | susort cdp offset > suximage < legend=1 units=meters cmap=hsv2 Credits: CWP: Chris Liner 10.09.01 Trace header fields set: ns, dt, sx, gx, offset, cdp, tracl