SUSHAPE - Wiener shaping filter sushape stdout [optional parameters] Required parameters: w= vector of input wavelet to be shaped or ... ...or ... wfile= ... file containing input wavelet in SU (SEGY trace) format d= vector of desired output wavelet or ... ...or ... dfile= ... file containing desired output wavelet in SU format dt=tr.dt if tr.dt is not set in header, then dt is mandatory Optional parameters: nshape=trace length of shaping filter pnoise=0.001 relative additive noise level showshaper=0 =1 to show shaping filter Notes: Example of commandline input wavelets: sushape < indata w=0,-.1,.1,... d=0,-.1,1,.1,... > shaped_data sushape < indata > shaped_data To get the shaping filters into an ascii file: ... | sushape ... showwshaper=1 2>file | ... (sh or ksh) (... | sushape ... showshaper=1 | ...) >&file (csh) Credits: CWP: Jack Cohen CWP: John Stockwell, added wfile and dfile options Trace header fields accessed: ns, dt Trace header fields modified: none