SUOP2 - do a binary operation on two data sets suop2 data1 data2 op=diff >stdout Required parameters: none Optional parameter: op=diff difference of two panels of seismic data =sum sum of two panels of seismic data =prod product of two panels of seismic data =quo quotient of two panels of seismic data =ptdiff differences of a panel and single trace =ptsum sum of a panel and single trace =ptprod product of a panel and single trace =ptquo quotient of a panel and single trace Note1: Output = data1 "op" data2 with the header of data1 Note2: For convenience and backward compatibility, this program may be called without an op code as: For: panel "op" panel operations: susum file1 file2 == suop2 file1 file2 op=sum sudiff file1 file2 == suop2 file1 file2 op=diff suprod file1 file2 == suop2 file1 file2 op=prod suquo file1 file2 == suop2 file1 file2 op=quo For: panel "op" trace operations: suptsum file1 file2 == suop2 file1 file2 op=ptsum suptdiff file1 file2 == suop2 file1 file2 op=ptdiff suptprod file1 file2 == suop2 file1 file2 op=ptprod suptquo file1 file2 == suop2 file1 file2 op=ptquo Note3: If an explicit op code is used it must FOLLOW the filenames. Note4: With op=quo and op=ptquo, divide by 0 is trapped and 0 is returned. Note5: Weighted operations can be specified by setting weighting coefficients for the two datasets: w1=1.0 w2=1.0 For operations on non-SU binary files use: farith Credits: SEP: Shuki Ronen CWP: Jack K. Cohen CWP: John Stockwell, 1995, added panel op trace options. Notes: If efficiency becomes important consider inverting main loop and repeating operation code within the branches of the switch.