SUGOUPILLAUD - calculate 1D impulse response of non-absorbing Goupillaud medium sugoupillaud < stdin > stdout [optional parameters] Required parameters: none Optional parameters: l=1 source layer number; 1 <= l <= tr.ns Source is located at the top of layer l. k=1 receiver layer number; 1 <= k Receiver is located at the top of layer k. tmax number of output time-samples; default: tmax=NINT((2*tr.ns-(l-1)-(k-1))/2) if k < tr.ns tmax=k if k >=tr.ns pV=1 flag for vector field seismogram (displacement, velocity, acceleration); =-1 for pressure seismogram. verbose=0 silent operation, =1 list warnings Input: Reflection coefficient series: impedance[i]-impedance[i+1] r[i] = ----------------------------- impedance[i]+impedance[i+1] r[0]= surface refl. coef. (as seen from above) r[n]= refl. coef. of the deepest interface Input file is to be in SU format, i.e., binary floats with a SU header. Remarks: 1. For vector fields, a buried source produces a spike of amplitude 1 propagating downwards and a spike of amplitude -1 propagating upwards. A buried pressure source produces spikes of amplitude 1 both in the up- and downward directions. A surface source induces only a downgoing spike of amplitude 1 at the top of the first layer (both for vector and pressure fields). 2. The sampling interval dt in the header of the input reflectivity file is interpreted as a two-way traveltime thicknes of the layers. The sampling interval of the output seismogram is the same as that of the input file. Credits: CWP: Albena Mateeva, May 2000, a summer project at Western Geophysical ANOTATION used in the code comments [arises from the use of z-transforms]: Z-sampled: sampling interval equal to the TWO-way traveltime of the layers; z-sampled: sampling interval equal to the ONE-way traveltime of the layers; REFERENCES: 1. Ganley, D. C., 1981, A method for calculating synthetic seismograms which include the effects of absorption and dispersion. Geophysics, Vol.46, No. 8, p. 1100-1107. The burial of the source is based on the Appendix of that article. 2. Robinson, E. A., Multichannel Time Series Analysis with Digital Computer Programs: 1983 Goose Pond Press, 2nd edition. The recursive polynomials Q, P used in this code are described in Chapter 3 of the book: Wave Propagation in Layered Media. My polynomial multiplication and division functions "prod" and "pratio" are based on Robinson's Fortran subroutines in Chapter 1. 4. Clearbout, J. F., Fundamentals of Geophysical Data Processing with Applications to Petroleum Prospecting: 1985 Blackwell Scientific Publications. Chapter 8, Section 3: Introduces recursive polynomials F, G in a more intuitive way than Robinson. The connection between the Robinson's P_k, Q_k and Clearbout's F_k, G_k is: P_k(Z) = F_k(Z) Q_k(Z) = - Z^(k) G_k(1/Z)