SUGETHW - sugethw writes the values of the selected key words sugethw key=key1,... [output=] outfile] Required parameters: key=key1,... At least one key word. Optional parameters: output=ascii output written as ascii for display =binary for output as binary floats =geom ascii output for geometry setting verbose=0 quiet =1 chatty Output is written in the order of the keys on the command line for each trace in the data set. Example: sugethw hdrfile Now edit the ASCII file hdrfile with any editor, setting the fields appropriately. Convert hdrfile to a binary format via: a2b < hdrfile n1=nfields > binary_file Then set the header fields via: sushw < sudata infile=binary_file key=key1,key2,... > sudata.edited Credits: SEP: Shuki Ronen CWP: Jack K. Cohen CWP: John Stockwell, added geom stuff, and getparstringarray