SUGABOR - Outputs a time-frequency representation of seismic data via the Gabor transform-like multifilter analysis technique presented by Dziewonski, Bloch and Landisman, 1969. sugabor stdout [optional parameters] Required parameters: if dt is not set in header, then dt is mandatory Optional parameters: dt=(from header) time sampling interval (sec) fmin=0 minimum frequency of filter array (hz) fmax=NYQUIST maximum frequency of filter array (hz) beta=3.0 ln[filter peak amp/filter endpoint amp] band=.05*NYQUIST filter bandwidth (hz) alpha=beta/band^2 filter width parameter verbose=0 =1 supply additional info holder=0 =1 output Holder regularity estimate =2 output linear regularity estimate Notes: This program produces a muiltifilter (as opposed to moving window) representation of the instantaneous amplitude of seismic data in the time-frequency domain. (With Gaussian filters, moving window and multi- filter analysis can be shown to be equivalent.) An input trace is passed through a collection of Gaussian filters to produce a collection of traces, each representing a discrete frequency range in the input data. For each of these narrow bandwidth traces, a quadrature trace is computed via the Hilbert transform. Treating the narrow bandwidth trace and its quadrature trace as the real and imaginary parts of a "complex" trace permits the "instantaneous" amplitude of each narrow bandwidth trace to be compute. The output is thus a representation of instantaneous amplitude as a function of time and frequency. Some experimentation with the "band" parameter may necessary to produce the desired time-frequency resolution. A good rule of thumb is to run sugabor with the default value for band and view the image. If band is too big, then the t-f plot will consist of stripes parallel to the frequency axis. Conversely, if band is too small, then the stripes will be parallel to the time axis. Caveat: The Gabor transform is not a wavelet transform, but rather are sharp frame basis. However, it is nearly a Morlet continuous wavelet transform so the concept of Holder regularity may have some meaning. If you are computing Holder regularity of, say, a migrated seismic section, then set band to 1/3 of the frequency band of your data. Examples: suvibro | sugabor | suximage suvibro | sugabor | suxmovie n1= n2= n3= (because suxmovie scales it's amplitudes off of the first panel, may have to experiment with the wclip and bclip parameters suvibro | sugabor | supsimage | ... ( your local PostScript utility) Credits: CWP: John Stockwell, Oct 1994 CWP: John Stockwell Oct 2004, added holder=1 option Algorithm: This programs takes an input seismic trace and passes it through a collection of truncated Gaussian filters in the frequency domain. The bandwidth of each filter is given by the parameter "band". The decay of these filters is given by "alpha", and the number of filters is given by nfilt = (fmax - fmin)/band. The result, upon inverse Fourier transforming, is that nfilt traces are created, with each trace representing a different frequency band in the original data. For each of the resulting bandlimited traces, a quadrature (i.e. pi/2 phase shifted) trace is computed via the Hilbert transform. The bandlimited trace constitutes a "complex trace", with the bandlimited trace being the "real part" and the quadrature trace being the "imaginary part". The instantaneous amplitude of each bandlimited trace is then computed by computing the modulus of each complex trace. (See Taner, Koehler, and Sheriff, 1979, for a discussion of complex trace analysis. The final output for a given input trace is a map of instantaneous amplitude as a function of time and frequency. This is not a wavelet transform, but rather a redundant frame representation. References: Dziewonski, Bloch, and Landisman, 1969, A technique for the analysis of transient seismic signals, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 1969, vol. 59, no.1, pp.427-444. Taner, M., T., Koehler, F., and Sheriff, R., E., 1979, Complex seismic trace analysis, Geophysics, vol. 44, pp.1041-1063. Chui, C., K.,1992, Introduction to Wavelets, Academic Press, New York. Trace header fields accessed: ns, dt, trid, ntr Trace header fields modified: tracl, tracr, d1, f2, d2, trid, ntr