SUFLIP - flip a data set in various ways suflip data2 flip=1 verbose=0 Required parameters: none Optional parameters: flip=1 rotational sense of flip +1 = flip 90 deg clockwise -1 = flip 90 deg counter-clockwise 0 = transpose data 2 = flip right-to-left 3 = flip top-to-bottom tmpdir= if non-empty, use the value as a directory path prefix for storing temporary files; else if the CWP_TMPDIR environment variable is set use its value for the path; else use tmpfile() verbose=0 verbose = 1 echoes flip info NOTE: tr.dt header field is lost if flip=-1,+1. It can be reset using sushw. EXAMPLE PROCESSING SEQUENCES: 1. suflip flip=-1 data2 2. suflip flip=2 data1_again 3. suflip tmpdir=/scratch