SUFDMOD2_PML - Finite-Difference MODeling (2nd order) for acoustic wave equation with PML absorbing boundary conditions. Caveat: experimental PML absorbing boundary condition version, may be buggy! sufdmod2_pml wfile nx= nz= tmax= xs= zs= [optional parameters] Required Parameters: wfile file containing waves[nx][nz] for time steps nx= number of x samples (2nd dimension) nz= number of z samples (1st dimension) xs= x coordinates of source zs= z coordinates of source tmax= maximum time Optional Parameters: nt=1+tmax/dt number of time samples (dt determined for stability) mt=1 number of time steps (dt) per output time step dx=1.0 x sampling interval fx=0.0 first x sample dz=1.0 z sampling interval fz=0.0 first z sample fmax = vmin/(10.0*h) maximum frequency in source wavelet fpeak=0.5*fmax peak frequency in ricker wavelet dfile= input file containing density[nx][nz] vsx= x coordinate of vertical line of seismograms hsz= z coordinate of horizontal line of seismograms vsfile= output file for vertical line of seismograms[nz][nt] hsfile= output file for horizontal line of seismograms[nx][nt] ssfile= output file for source point seismograms[nt] verbose=0 =1 for diagnostic messages, =2 for more abs=1,1,1,1 Absorbing boundary conditions on top,left,bottom,right sides of the model. =0,1,1,1 for free surface condition on the top ...PML parameters.... pml_max=1000.0 PML absorption parameter pml_thick=0 half-thickness of pml layer (0 = do not use PML) Notes: This program uses the traditional explicit second order differencing method. Two different absorbing boundary condition schemes are available. The first is a traditional absorbing boundary condition scheme created by Hale, 1990. The second is based on the perfectly matched layer (PML) method of Berenger, 1995. Authors: CWP:Dave Hale CWP:modified for SU by John Stockwell, 1993. CWP:added frequency specification of wavelet: Craig Artley, 1993 TAMU:added PML absorbing boundary condition: Michael Holzrichter, 1998 References: (Hale's absobing boundary conditions) Clayton, R. W., and Engquist, B., 1977, Absorbing boundary conditions for acoustic and elastic wave equations, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 6, 1529-1540. Clayton, R. W., and Engquist, B., 1980, Absorbing boundary conditions for wave equation migration, Geophysics, 45, 895-904. Hale, D., 1990, Adaptive absorbing boundaries for finite-difference modeling of the wave equation migration, unpublished report from the Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines. Richtmyer, R. D., and Morton, K. W., 1967, Difference methods for initial-value problems, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York. Thomee, V., 1962, A stable difference scheme for the mixed boundary problem for a hyperbolic, first-order system in two dimensions, J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math., 10, 229-245. Toldi, J. L., and Hale, D., 1982, Data-dependent absorbing side boundaries, Stanford Exploration Project Report SEP-30, 111-121. References: (PML boundary conditions) Jean-Pierre Berenger, ``A Perfectly Matched Layer for the Absorption of Electromagnetic Waves,'' Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 114, pp. 185-200. Hastings, Schneider, and Broschat, ``Application of the perfectly matched layer (PML) absorbing boundary condition to elastic wave propogation,'' Journal of the Accoustical Society of America, November, 1996. Allen Taflove, ``Electromagnetic Modeling: Finite Difference Time Domain Methods'', Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995, chap. 7, pp. 181-195. Trace header fields set: ns, delrt, tracl, tracr, offset, d1, d2, sdepth, trid