char* sdoc[] = { SUCMP - CoMPare two seismic data sets, returns 0 to the shell ", if the same and 1 if different sucmp file_A file_B Required parameters: none Optional parameters: limit=1.0e-4 normalized difference threshold value Notes: This program is the seismic equivalent of the Unix cmp(1) command. However, unlike cmp(1), it understands seismic data and will consider files which have only small numerical differences to be the same. Sucmp first checks that the number of traces and number of samples are the same. It then compares the trace headers bit for bit. Finally it checks that the fractional difference of A & B is less than limit. This program is intended as an aid in regression testing changes to seismic processing programs. Expected usage is in shell scripts or Makefiles, e.g. #!/bin/sh #------------------------------------------------------- # Run a test data set and verify the result is correct # If the data doesn't match show the data on the screen. #------------------------------------------------------- ./fubar par=tst1.par sucmp ref/ if [ $? ] then suxwigb