SUADDSTATICS - ADD random STATICS on seismic data suaddstatics required parameters [optional parameters] > stdout Required parameters: shift= the static shift will be generated randomly in the interval [+shift,-shif] (ms) sources= number of source locations receivers= number of receiver locations cmps= number of common mid point locations maxfold= maximum fold of input data datafile= name and COMPLETE path of the input file Optional parameters: dt=tr.dt time sampling interval (ms) seed=getpid() seed for random number generator verbose=0 =1 print useful information Notes: SUADDSTATICS applies static time shifts in a surface consistent way on seismic data sets. SUADDSTATICS writes the static time shifts in the header field TSTAT. To perform the actual shifts the user should use the program SUSTATIC after SUADDSTATICS. SUADDSTATICS outputs the corrupted data set to stdout. Header field used by SUADDSTATICS: cdp, sx, gx, tstat, dt. Credits: CWP Wences Gouveia, 11/07/94, Colorado School of Mines