REGRID3 - REwrite a [ni3][ni2][ni1] GRID to a [no3][no2][no1] 3-D grid regrid3 < oldgrid > newgrid [parameters] Optional parameters: ni1=1 fastest (3rd) dimension in input grid ni2=1 second fastest (2nd) dimension in input grid ni3=1 slowest (1st) dimension in input grid no1=1 fastest (3rd) dimension in output grid no2=1 second fastest (2nd) dimension in output grid ", no3=1 slowest (1st) dimension in output grid Optional Parameters: verbose=0 =1 print some useful information Notes: REGRID3 can be used to span a 1-D grid to a 2-D grid, or a 2-D grid to a 3-D grid; or to change grid parameters within the dimensions. Together with MUL and UNIF3, most 3-D velocity model can be Credits: CWP: Zhaobo Meng, 1996, Colorado School of Mines