RAYT2D - traveltime Tables calculated by 2D paraxial RAY tracing rayt2d vfile= tfile= [optional parameters] Required parameters: vfile=stdin file containning velocity v[nx][nz] tfile=stdout file containning traveltime tables t[nxs][nxo][nzo] Optional parameters dt=0.008 time sample interval in ray tracing nt=401 number of time samples in ray tracing fz=0 first depth sample in velocity nz=101 number of depth samples in velocity dz=100 depth interval in velocity fx=0 first lateral sample in velocity nx=101 number of lateral samples in velocity dx=100 lateral interval in velocity fzo=fz first depth sample in traveltime table nzo=nz number of depth samples in traveltime table dzo=dz depth interval in traveltime table fxo=fx first lateral sample in traveltime table nxo=nx number of lateral samples in traveltime table dxo=dx lateral interval in traveltime table surf="0,0;99999,0" Recording surface "x1,z1;x2,z2;x3,z3;... fxs=fx x-coordinate of first source nxs=1 number of sources dxs=2*dxo x-coordinate increment of sources aperx=0.5*nx*dx ray tracing aperature in x-direction fa=-60 first take-off angle of rays (degrees) na=61 number of rays da=2 increment of take-off angle amin=0 minimum emergence angle amax=90 maximum emergence angle fac=0.01 factor to determine radius for extrapolation ek=1 flag of implementing eikonal in shadow zones ms=10 print verbal information at every ms sources restart=n job is restarted (=y yes; =n no) npv=0 flag of computing quantities for velocity analysis if npv>0 specify the following three files pvfile=pvfile input file of velocity variation pv[nxo][nzo] tvfile=tvfile output file of traveltime variation tables tv[nxs][nxo][nzo] csfile=csfile output file of cosine tables cs[nxs][nxo][nzo] Notes: 1. Each traveltime table is calculated by paraxial ray tracing; then traveltimes in shadow zones are compensated by solving eikonal equation. 2. Input velocity is uniformly sampled and smooth one preferred. 3. Traveltime table and source ranges must be within velocity model. 4. Ray tracing aperature can be chosen as sum of migration aperature plus half of maximum offset. 5. Memory requirement for this program is about [nx*nz+4*mx*nz+3*nxo*nzo+na*(nx*nz+mx*nz+3*nxo*nzo)]*4 bytes where mx = min(nx,2*(1+aperx/dx)). Author: Zhenyue Liu, 10/11/94, Colorado School of Mines Trino Salinas, 01/01/96 included the option to handle nonflat reference surfaces. Subroutines from Dave Hale's modeling library were adapted in this code to define topography using cubic splines. References: Beydoun, W. B., and Keho, T. H., 1987, The paraxial ray method: Geophysics, vol. 52, 1639-1653. Cerveny, V., 1985, The application of ray tracing to the numerical modeling of seismic wavefields in complex structures, in Dohr, G., ED., Seismic shear waves (part A: Theory): Geophysical Press, Number 15 in Handbook of Geophysical Exploration, 1-124.