KAPERTURE - generate the k domain of a line scatterer for a seismic array kaperture [optional parameters] >stdout Optional parameters x0=1000 point scatterer location z0=1000 point scatterer location nshot=1 number of shots sxmin=0 first shot location szmin=0 first shot location dsx=100 x-steps in shot location dsz=0 z-steps in shot location ngeo=1 number of receivers gxmin=0 first receiver location gzmin=0 first receiver location dgx=100 x-steps in receiver location dgz=0 z-steps in receiver location fnyq=125 Nyquist frequency (Hz) fmax=125 maximum frequency (Hz) fmin=5 minimum frequency (Hz) nfreq=2 number of frequencies both=0 = 1 gives negative freqs too nstep=60 points on Nyquist circle c=5000 speed outpar=/dev/tty output parameter file, contains: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax and npairs (needed for psgraph or xgraph) other choices for outpar are: /dev/tty, /dev/stderr, or a name of a disk file Notes: nfreq=1 produces fmin nstep=0 suppresses the Nyquist circle and npairs Examples: Default case: both=0 nfreq=2 kaperture nshot=NSHOT ngeo=NGEO nstep=NSTEP | psgraph n=NPAIRS,NSTEP mark=1,0 marksize=1,0 linewidth=0,1 |... WHERE: NPAIRS=NSHOT*NGEO Other cases: both=0 nfreq=NFREQ > 2 kaperture both=0 nfreq=NFREQ nshot=NSHOT ngeo=NGEO nstep=NSTEP | psgraph n=NPAIRS,NSTEP mark=1,0 marksize=1,0 linewidth=0,1 |... WHERE: NPAIRS=NFREQ*NSHOT*NGEO both=1 nfreq=NFREQ > 2 kaperture both=1 nfreq=NFREQ nshot=NSHOT ngeo=NGEO nstep=NSTEP | psgraph n=NPAIRS,NSTEP mark=1,0 marksize=1,0 linewidth=0,1 |... WHERE: NPAIRS=NFREQ*NSHOT*NGEO*2 When in doubt to the size of NPAIRS, redirect output of kaperture to /dev/tty the first time to get npairs=: kaperture [optional parameters] > /dev/tty