INTLIN - evaluate y(x) via linear interpolation of y(x[0]), y(x[1]), ... intlin evaluate y(x) via linear interpolation of y(x[0]), y(x[1]), ... Function Prototype: void intlin (int nin, float xin[], float yin[], float yinl, float yinr, int nout, float xout[], float yout[]); Input: nin length of xin and yin arrays xin array[nin] of monotonically increasing or decreasing x values yin array[nin] of input y(x) values yinl value used to extraplate y(x) to left of input yin values yinr value used to extraplate y(x) to right of input yin values nout length of xout and yout arrays xout array[nout] of x values at which to evaluate y(x) Output: yout array[nout] of linearly interpolated y(x) values Notes: xin values must be monotonically increasing or decreasing. Extrapolation of the function y(x) for xout values outside the range spanned by the xin values in performed as follows: For monotonically increasing xin values, yout=yinl if xoutxin[nin-1]. For monotonically decreasing xin values, yout=yinl if xout>xin[0], and yout=yinr if xout